istituto alfieri carrù interno cortile

About us

Our goal̀ is to cover the “grey area” of need, where with a little help women can complete their studies and be able to fully support themselves, becoming active and independent members of society.

The women we welcome are between the age of 18 to 26.

Alfieri-Carrù Institute Onlus

was originally established 1837, by Costanza d'Azeglio Alfieri, Luisa Costa and Costanza Alfieri, three sisters-in-law from aristocrat’s families. The three women invested their dowry to go towards the education of young women coming from disadvantaged backgrounds. these women took from the social dynamism that was so popular at the time and came up with ways to sustain new generations of girls. This was fundamental for their later inclusion in society. In 1890 the three women decided to donate the building, that still today welcomes up to 60 girls, to the Alfieri Carrù Onlus. Ever since, the Institute has helped and sustained generations of young women: providing shelter in difficult times, care and support as well as helping them be independent and self-sufficient. This mission is still strongly shared by us today.

Our building

The Alfieri Carrù building is in the central area of Torino, in via Accademia Albertina. it is open all year round, and as I previously mentioned can accommodate up to 60 women coming, at this moment, mainly from Italy, Albania, Romania, and Central Africa, but we have no foreclusure and we will be more than happy to welcome girls from all over the world.   All 60 guests are required to cooperate to the up-keeping of the structures, as well as some are paid to do specific jobs. All are supported in each step by a competent staff that monitors them.

Common areas

The building’s spaces are not limited to bedrooms, bathrooms, and a kitchen per floor, we also have common spaces, such as the laudry rooms, TV rooms, a study room with internet stations, and a gym.  Furthermore, thanks to a special agreement with the "Civic Library" the girls have a priviledged access to books, CDs and text books.   The Institute has also beautiful showrooms, that can be rented to external parties for meetings, lunches, children's parties, conferences and book presentation. This all is in done in order to increase the monetary revenue to be then devolved to futures scholarships.

The big family

The Alfieri-Carrù is a very active onlus. We host in our structure many institutions: among which “San Vincenzo, Il Germoglio” who works with women from difficult backgrounds; “il Bandolo” who works with mental illness, “Via Libera” who deals with women and children in great need, and “Stefano Tempia” who has various projects in the field of music. For all these collaborations we offer housing for free to women and children, who can stay at the Alfieri-Carrù, from 6 months to a year. Finally, we also collaborate with “Centro Servizi per il Volontariato (VOLTO)” which is the center for all the social services of Torino and are the only paying association.   We take great pride in what we offer. Not only do we provide a safe shelter, but also, and very importantly, we ensure availability, friendship, always a smile, and altogether an open and supportive BIG FAMILY.


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